Tag Archive for: malaysia

Cyber | malaysia sees big hike in financial cyber scams

Malaysia sees big hike in financial cyber scams

Almost RM3.2 billion (£580m) was lost to online scams involving…
Cyber | malaysian government urges more collaboration to meet sdg 2030 goals

Malaysian government urges more collaboration to meet SDG 2030 goals

Malaysia is to speed up the implementation of measures to achieve…
Cyber | government investment scheme set to boost malaysian economy

Government investment scheme set to boost Malaysian economy

The RM120 billion (£21bn) domestic direct investment (DDI) boost…
Cyber | malaysia steps up fight against financial fraud

Malaysia steps up fight against financial fraud

The Malaysian government has launched the National Fraud Portal…
Cyber | malaysia’s smes optimistic about economic outlook

Malaysia’s SMEs optimistic about economic outlook

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) both in Malaysia and…
Cyber | new initiative aims to put malaysian women at heart of business

New initiative aims to put Malaysian women at heart of business

A new initiative from Malaysia’s Investment, Trade and Industry…
Cyber | malaysia targets big cuts to carbon intensity

Malaysia targets big cuts to carbon intensity

The Malaysian government has set a target to reduce the nation’s…
Cyber | islamic finance ‘can break down barriers to achieving sdgs’

Islamic finance ‘can break down barriers to achieving SDGs’

A new report has identified opportunities presented by Islamic…
Cyber | malaysian forum discuss pros and cons of genai

Malaysian forum discuss pros and cons of GenAI

While generative artificial intelligence (AI) is set to replace…